Pediatric Chiropractic
Give Your Child a Great Start in Life
Research indicates that at least 80% of all natural births include some damage to the upper neck of the baby. It’s one of the many reasons why it’s so important to have your children checked as soon as possible to avoid some of the common problems that kids suffer from as they grow into adolescence.
We Cater to Kids
Pediatric chiropractic is a non-invasive and painless spinal analysis for children of every age. This testing and treatment is routinely done to make sure that our little ones are free of spinal misalignments that could affect the vital development of a healthy nervous system.

Newborns are especially susceptible to spinal trauma. Common interventions during the birth process can initiate a negative pattern of spinal alignment, resulting in symptoms such as colic, failure to thrive, feeding difficulties, incessant crying, sleep problems and inability to breast-feed on both sides. Some of the interventions involved can be
- Breech presentation
- Caesarian section
- Forceps delivery
- Prolonged time in the birth canal
- Pulling and tugging on the fragile neck of the infant
- Suction devices used on the crown of the delicate head

Toddlers and Young Children
It’s important to check small children to make sure that they’re achieving optimal development as they pass through milestones such as turning over, sitting up, crawling, walking and running. Anyone who’s been around kids knows that they experience a lot of physical trauma that can easily develop into spinal subluxation, including
- Accidental slips, tumbles and knocks to the head
- Countless falls when first starting to stand up and walk
- Injuries relating to bike-riding, tree climbing, running and swimming
The most common symptoms that children in this age group are prone to when the function in their nervous system is impaired are earaches and ear infections, hyperactivity, tummy troubles, learning difficulties and poor social development.

Adolescents begin to be prone to spinal subluxation once they become involved in athletics and the repetitive motions required in sports such as baseball, basketball, bicycling, football, swimming, skiing, track and tennis. Older children also often become active in boxing, martial arts, soccer and wrestling, which also have the capacity for damaging physical injury.
Chiropractic is invaluable during the adolescent years in the areas of posture development and optimal nervous system balance.
Those kids under chiropractic care also recover more quickly from physical trauma and improve their athletic performance.
A Stress-free Consultation
Although most of our parents bring their children in to the office to be evaluated, we’d like you to know that we’re very flexible. If your child is suffering from severe anxiety, or any of the attention deficit or hyperactivity disorders, we can arrange to have the initial consultation over the phone. We understand that sometimes a parent can be distracted by their child’s distress in a public setting, so we’re happy to accommodate you.
Some of the things we’ll ask about during the initial consultation will be details about Mom’s pregnancy, the delivery itself and any interventions that took place on the child’s behalf to date, including medications and surgeries.
We feel blessed to see more and more children in our practice.
We know that a true wellness practice is all about prevention, and we respect the selfless moms and dads who want to help their kids avoid the problems that they now endure as adults! Contact us today, we’re here to help!